The next 2 weeks
What will things look like in 2 weeks? Will we experience a lot of death? Are there going to be a lot of people I know that get sick? How much is COVID-19 really spreading?
I don't know the answer to any of these questions personally. And I'm not writing to scare anyone. More for my own recollection of this event in history. Time passing will be the one thing that truly tells us what is happening.
One bright spot in this (there have been many), but a little girl named Molly has been hiding painted rocks around our neighborhood with little messages on them. Our kids have loved going on walks and looking for them. Yesterday she hid one right in our front yard and Josie was super excited when she found it.
What are ways during this COVID-19 pandemic that you can brighten the days of others like Molly?
I don't know the answer to any of these questions personally. And I'm not writing to scare anyone. More for my own recollection of this event in history. Time passing will be the one thing that truly tells us what is happening.
One bright spot in this (there have been many), but a little girl named Molly has been hiding painted rocks around our neighborhood with little messages on them. Our kids have loved going on walks and looking for them. Yesterday she hid one right in our front yard and Josie was super excited when she found it.
What are ways during this COVID-19 pandemic that you can brighten the days of others like Molly?