Write about the ugly

Most of the time my posts are fairly upbeat or flat I think. Like photos and videos, people post to show things are going well.

Well, last night had some rough spots. One of my kids spilled a whole glass of milk right before we sat down to eat. Stop. What's your response? I'm actually curious how that hits you. Does it cause frustration? Would you raise your voice at them? Would you be compassionate and say it's alright because it's not like the did it on purpose?

As you can imagine based on how I started this post my response was not pretty. It was ugly. And my wife has a hard time knowing how to confront me in those moments. And these moments happen more than I'd like to admit. I do realize it and I know I need God's help to step back and not get angry about things and instead have compassion, help clean up, and talk in a normal tone. This is tough for me. But I know it's possible because of Christ working in me.

I'm writing this post to help me think about it. To remind me that getting mad doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help me or anyone else in the family feel better. And it doesn't show my kids Christ. It doesn't make them want to serve the Lord.

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