Future self

10 years from now when I'm 51 what will I be doing?

Will I still be living in Morton, IL? I plan to be. But I guess I don't know for sure. Will I still be working at Precision Planting? I hope so.

10 years from now my oldest will be a 9th grader... whoah! And my baby will be a 5th grader. I wonder how many games and what kind I'll have gone and watched my kids play at.

Will I have more aches and pains? Will I pick up some new hobbies? Will I still be writing a blog every day? If so I'll have written over 4,000 posts!

How active will I be in the community? Will social distancing be a thing anymore? Will we have any more pandemics? Will we make some new friends in Morton?

Will we purchase any more rental properties in Gulf Shores and how will our current property do down there for the next 10 years? Will we have it all paid off?

What will my kids be like in 10 years? Will I still be close to them? I hope so. 10 years from now Josie will be 15, Baer will be 13, and Mac will be 10. And we'll maybe have 4 more years with Josie before's she's on her own.

It's good to just think through these future things... I can't control most of it, but God knows it and is in control of it. Thinking of my kids. We're already 25% done with our time with our oldest! That's crazy. We need to treasure the time we have right now and invest in our kids. Sharing the gospel daily because they're only with us so long.

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