Mysterious mower

Yesterday I decided to get my yard mowed early before all the kids were even up. The grass was wet and after mowing just a little bit the mower started making some loud sounds and so I stopped it. Then I tried to start it back up again and I couldn't get pull the pull cord at all.

I tried a few times. Then I tried to look things over like I knew what could possibly be the problem. After no luck, I called my in-laws' to borrow their mower.

Later on, I asked my neighbor across the street to take a look and he was able to get the blade to move and get it to start once. Then it wouldn't pull again.

A little later in the day, I was able to then get it to start myself too... I have no idea what's going on with my mower. Sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn't. I guess the next time I need to mow I'll see if it starts or not.

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