Should I switch?

It's not broke. I've used it over 513 times without fail and people can view everything I write.

I'm talking about my blog on Blogger.

It's kind of funny that I would write this on the service that I'm currently using thinking about whether I should switch to a different service. I really have no complaints. It works great. But you always wonder is there a better one? It's not like I have a huge following, but I also don't want whatever blogger service I'm using to go away.

It seems like other ones are out there that have more popularity and more staying power. I may ask on my social feeds what the most popular/recommended one would be for others. Knowing that I don't want to pay a bunch for the service and I want it to be reliable.

Should I switch? Well, for now, I'll stay, but we'll see what happens as I learn more.

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