The 3 things

What are the 3 things you need to focus on today? You may have more things and that's fine, but list out the top 3 things.

Now give yourself no more than 1 hour to 90 minutes to work on each one of them. And mark them off when you're done.

Give yourself time to do other things like check email outside of these 3 things. But try to give uninterrupted time to the 3 things individually once you start working on one of them. You'll also notice that this is only 3 to 4 and a half hours of your workday. That's right. The rest is for smaller tasks, phone calls, emails, conversations, and meetings.

I didn't come up with this and won't claim it will work for everybody, but I've found it helpful to focus each day. I'm not sure where it originated from I picked it up from a webinar over the last 2 months.

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