Church yesterday

God is gracious. There are so many little things that happen that I just take for granted.

We went to church outside yesterday at Grace in Morton and wondered how it would go with social distancing, wearing masks, and staying apart. When we sat down in our spot the family that ended up coming in right after us and sitting next to us was a family that had been at our old church. It was just nice for my wife and me to see a familiar face there since we don't know a lot of people at Grace.

I thought afterward about it and mentioned it to Brittany that God is so gracious. I know it's little and it doesn't mean we're better than anyone else, but God didn't have to sit us right next to someone we knew. Why did he do that? I believe God does things because he loves to see us rejoice in Him. He doesn't do it so we can say look at me... how great I am. Not that God needs our praise, but he rejoices when we see His sovereignty and we choose to acknowledge His goodness.

Thank you, God, for the little things you do each day. Many of them that I don't even notice. Help me to be more aware of your goodness and grace in my life.

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