.com or .org
I'm working on building a website and I chose to use WordPress as the platform to build with because so many people use it and it's free. But, I didn't do my homework to realize there are 2 ways to go about doing this. There's WordPress.com and there's WordPress.org.
.com is paying for different tiers of the product and was actually kind of hard to use, compared to .org which is totally free. You just have to pay for the hosting and domain name with .org. I've been a little frustrated with the whole process because I probably would have already had a website built if I had gone about it the right way from the beginning.
So how did I even realize this? YouTube. I started searching YouTube for how to build a website and ran across Tyler who basically walks you through how to build a website from scratch using WordPress. But it still wasn't obvious that there was a .org and .com until I did some more online searching and realized there are two different WordPress ways to go.
I'm back to getting this website going... we'll see how it goes.