Is there anything too big for God?
I just needed to put that question out there for myself this morning to get myself started writing. "Is there anything too big for God?"
God said to Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" in Genesis 18. God also said to Jeremiah, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" These were in reference to very different things. But in both instances there was sin involved too. Sarah didn't believe God that she would have a son when she was old, but she did end up having Isaac. In Jeremiah there's was rampant sin in Israel and God handed them over to Babylon to be captured.
Those are two specific examples that use that same text, but I think the Bible is full of examples where God shows that nothing is too hard for Him. He floods the entire earth because of sin, yet saves a remnant that is faithful. God sends plagues on Egypt and frees Israel and there remains a remnant of people again. God keeps people from being burned in a fire. He keeps Daniel from being eaten by lions. God saves Jonah from drowning in the sea, even though Jonah didn't listen to what God had asked him to do. He uses sinful kings to lead Israel and he uses the weak to lead Israel. He uses a woman, Esther, in a time when women had little voice, to save Israel. He used a young girl that was a virgin to give birth to the messiah. He chose people in professions that were looked down upon to deliver the message of the good news, like fishermen and tax collectors.
I could keep going on and on about how there are instances of things that normally would not be if we would have chosen them, but God is bigger and nothing is too hard for Him. That is where my hope is today as I look around at what is going on in my country and I see disease, there is injustice based on the color of skin, there is looting being done in the name of justice, and many people don't know what to think of all that is going on. I know that nothing is too big for God and one day all will be made right. I also know that God can choose to use if I will listen to His voice and be faithful.
God do what you have always done. Nothing is too hard for you.