Tubs of clothes

I spent a lot of time outside this weekend with my kids. Yesterday we were outside almost the entire day. We rode bikes, played in a kiddie pool, swung on swings, read books outside, ate snacks outside, talked to neighbors outside... I did very little as far as projects and just spent time with the kids. 

My wife on the other hand organized tubs and tubs of kids' clothes a lot of the weekend. We've got a lot of hand-me-downs from friends and family. It was time to go through what fits and doesn't fit. It may not sound like much but it's a lot of work. Plus, you've got clothes that say one size, but it's obvious they're bigger or smaller than the size they say. She went through all of the tubs, so we can get rid of clothes that are too small and use the clothes that are the right size for our kids now!

So thankful for my wife this morning as I think about this past weekend and all she did while I was with the kids.

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