What will you fill your mind with today?

There's a gigantic storehouse of stuff to fill your mind with today, but your brain can only process so much. You also most likely have a job to do and maybe a family to take care of so that also limits the amount of time you have.

When you think about it though there is so much out there, some really good and some really bad. You have the endless scroll of Facebook, there are more videos than I'll ever watch in my lifetime on YouTube, not to mention other services like Netflix or Amazon. There's the search bar of Google or whatever your flavor of internet search. You could read a book or find anything to read that you don't have at home or at the library through a Kindle. There are magazines, newspapers, oh and then there's the news on TV or online. Plus, the endless array of apps to do just about anything with on your device. There's a lot of choices out there for learning and being entertained.

Are you entertaining your life away? Or are you using these things in ways that you're learning and developing? In ways that draw you closer to God and other people. In ways that are helpful.

There's a huge buffet sitting out every day of anything you could think of. Take advantage of it, but make sure you think twice about what all you put on your plate.

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