Good communicators

Do you ever wonder what makes certain people so good at presenting? Why are others so bad at it? Some people you could listen to and never have your mind wander and others can't hold your attention at all.

Like in most things I believe there can be some natural gifting, but the biggest part is practice. For some, it might not be that they practice presenting itself, but they're just always presenting. I think of my boss, he's just naturally good, but he's also in that frame of mind all the time. Get together in a group and he will eventually give a little "presentation".

I also listened to a guy named Vinh Giang talk on presenting yesterday that talks about vocal image along with your visual image. He makes the argument that the way your voice sounds is just as important as your visual image in a presentation. Your vocal image consists of 5 things. They are rate, volume, pitch/melody, tonality, and pause. I'll encourage you to look him up to learn more.

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