Outside inside outside

This time in life is very different from anything I've experienced before. There's so much uncertainty. It's a little like the weather. You never know for sure what it's gonna be like, but you have a little bit of an idea. 

We're heading to church today and we were planning on being inside, but then I checked my email this morning and it looks like now we are having outside services again. Earlier in the week, it was planned to be outside, but then I received an email that it was going to be inside.

Anything that substantiates a lot of people gathering is extremely uncertain. One place you need to wear masks in one place you don't. One place can remain open one place can't. One place people are willing to work in another they aren't. People are all over the board too. Some people aren't willing to get together at all for one reason or another and others have very little concerns at all.

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