Thankful for brother-in-laws

I have four brother-in-laws and no brothers.

Each one of them is unique and I'm thankful for each one. One is extremely entrepreneurial and knows a ton about construction. One is one of the best cooks I've ever eaten a meal from. One is very mechanically minded and isn't afraid to tackle a project. And one is probably one of the most knowledgeable people I know that can remember just about anything.

There you have it, my brother-in-laws in four sentences. It's been a while since I've written a thankful post and it's always a good exercise for me. It makes me think of how many good things God has given me. I'll never forget when my sister and brother-in-law took me into their home when I needed it. I know it probably wasn't easy with two little kids and I was a mess at the time too. That was about ten years ago and since then they've lived in California, back to Illinois, and now Alabama. I'm extremely thankful for them.

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