Waking up is hard

Today is a Monday and I just don't want to get going. I had a hard time getting up. I had intentions of running but didn't. I have about 5 more minutes and I need to start getting ready to head to work. I scrolled on Twitter for a while, briefly checked my email, procrastinated, then read my Bible reading for the morning. I'm sure none of this motivating for anyone to read, but it's the reality of the beginning of today.

I've had a little coffee and now it's blog time. I wish I could say every morning I'm just ready to go and I'm motivated. Today is not that morning.

My wife made the comment to me yesterday that it just doesn't feel like we ever really get ahead of things to do. There's always more and then there are the daily things that just have to get done too. I sound like a major complainer. I like to blame it on having little kids, but I think some of it I just need to set some goals for myself.

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