Coming up on 2 years

If you would have told me in high school that I'd get up every morning (or most mornings) and write I would have said you're crazy. Twenty-some years later though that's what I've been doing. For almost 2 years now I've been writing every morning in an attempt to become a better writer and just as something to be disciplined in. I don't have a bunch of followers and that's fine. I'm not writing to gain a big following. I think it will be fun to look back someday at all that I've written about.

I've actually had this blog going for longer than my youngest son. This makes me think of him and all that's changed with him in the last year. He's walking everywhere now. He likes putting his shoes on when anyone else does. We have to be careful when we say things like outside because he knows words and will want to go outside then. In the last week, he's started to be interested in trying to say words. We can't make out much of what he tries to say, but it's exciting that he's starting to try. We love how he dances to music. It's typically with a one-armed up and down motion. We also love his hugs that are typically given when you ask if he wants to give you "ai-yaihs". His other really fun thing he does is his growls when you ask him to show his muscles. He'll flex his muscles and growl.

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