Nothing blasé about Ben

There are a few musicians who stand out in my mind as great creative artists. Ben Rector is one that's at the top of my list. Take a year like 2020 where you can't be on tour because of the Coronavirus pandemic and you see what a musician is really made of.

I don't know him personally at all, but follow him on social media and noticed that his family had twins this summer, plus they have a toddler... so they're definitely busy. Earlier he released a song called "It Would Be You" and challenged people to make music videos and share them on social media tagging them with #coffeedadshuffle. It was something fun to follow along with as part of the craziness of covid. There were hundreds of people that submitted videos and here's a link to the compilation.

But, that's not all... this week he just released another new song, that I understand came from a void he noticed while working on a new Christmas album. He noticed that there are tons of Christmas songs, but none that really celebrate Thanksgiving. So he wrote one. Enter "The Thanksgiving Song". And like most work that I've seen from Ben and his band, there's nothing about it that's blasé. The song itself has heart and empathy for everyone that's been through 2020. It has thankfulness and a personal story that most people can relate to as it talks of seeing grandpa in his nephew's eyes and without saying he may have passed we get that feeling as he talks about his mother's teary eyes.

The chorus is catchy and full of thanks.

"So fill your plate and fill your drink
And fill this house with family
The kind of love that all these years can't wash away
Cause the older that I get I see that life is short and bittersweet
Thank God for this Thanksgiving Day"

Then there's the lyric/music video that he put together for the song... It's fantastic. As a creative myself I have an appreciation for things done well and this one was. A ton of effort was put into it from the graphic design of all the thanksgiving ingredients to the cookbook to the realistic nature of all the elements that were put together to make the lyrics flow so naturally through the video. The transitions were spot on. Without giving too much more away just watch "The Thanksgiving Song" video it's worth your time. I'd say it's a great way to announce that you're releasing a Christmas album as well.

Thanks, Ben for staying busy this year and continuing to work hard putting out nonblasé music amidst the challenges of a tough year. Our family has enjoyed it and we look forward to a stellar Christmas album coming out soon.

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