The deadline
That deadline. It drives action. It looms out there and you know you have to get it done by the date. So why do we wait? Why do we procrastinate? How does that help?
I've written about this before. When I did a search there's are quite a few posts about deadlines. Not sure what that says about me... I wait until the last minute?
I would argue that even if we're not "working" on the work, we're still thinking about it somewhere up there in our brain. We know the deadline and there are solutions that we have half baked. Now whether or not the scramble is the best work compared to the daily plod... I would say it depends. I'm sure it's better to be plodding along more than just in your subconscious so the final product doesn't suffer.
I have a print ad due in less than a week and I'm barely started and after a meeting yesterday the direction changed as well. So what do you do? You buckle down and do the hard work because there's a deadline. If the deadline is missed the print ad doesn't get published and we've paid thousands of dollars for an ad that doesn't run and then the publisher has to find something else to put in place of our ad.
No pressure.