The simply complicated things

I slept last night. I woke up this morning. My eyes opened. I could see. My arms pulled the covers off of my bed and I was able to get out of bed. My legs moved me through the house. I was able to make my coffee. My mind is working. I could smell the coffee being made. I could hear my kids getting up. I was able to type on my computer and read words and comprehend them. I was able to speak words to my kids and comprehend what they said. I was able to taste the coffee and swallow it. These are just a few things that seem small but are actually huge that I'm able to do each day that I probably take for granted.

This doesn't take into account all of the things going on inside my body to make them happen either. For example, my heart pumping blood to every area of my body. My lungs expanding and contracting to bring oxygen into my body. My brain sending signals to different parts of my body to move muscles and bones together to do things. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. When you just sit and think of all that goes on in each human being it is amazing.

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