What is happening?

What's happening in our world? As a parent of our three young kids, it's very concerning to me. My wife and I were talking about it last night during dinner. None of our kids are in school yet, but what all will they be taught? We're becoming a culture where everything is acceptable... you can be whatever you want to be including something that you're not. Like a woman if you're a man. And then there's becoming special treatment for those that choose to make these choices as well. There's also plenty of falsifying of information for political gain or pushing certain agendas and I wonder how that then will impact our youth.

I see the breaking down of the family. The belief that it's not important. That mother and father figures in the home don't matter and that they don't impact the way a kid grows up. I can see it being very confusing for a kid growing up in the world today if they don't have a parent figure teaching truth and explaining what is going in the world.

What about the value of human life? Again it seems like in our world it depends on whose life it is. If you're privileged well your life isn't of as much value because well your privileged. If you disagree with the mainstream, woke narrative you're not worth listening to. And if you're a baby inside the womb you have no voice at all. Actually, in the case of a baby inside of the womb, you're not even a baby according to some. It's sad. I believe that all humans whether just in their very, very early stages of being formed or about ready to die have a right to live out their days without the interfering of the government choosing for them whether they should live. I don't have all the answers though either, because I don't understand what goes on in people's heads that choose to end a life.

It's Sunday morning and my family and I will go to church this morning to hear the words of God taught with others that also want to hear God's word. We believe that His words are true and good and they are unchanging. We rest in that.

There's a lot of talk getting out and voting this year. More than I ever remember in my lifetime. I believe this election could be pivotal and it's going to happen in a few weeks. A lot could change either way. And I too would encourage you to vote. There may be a day when we don't or some people don't have the freedom to vote anymore in our country. 

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