Blinking cursor
That blinking cursor. It stares at me every morning when I open up my blog. What do I write about today? You're kidding yourself. You're not a writer. Why are you even doing this?
Then I open up Instagram and scroll for a few minutes. Nothing. Then I open up my email to distract myself. Nothing. I sit and stare and think back on the last 24 hours. I think about my kids and my wife. I think about this last year. I think about how work has been so different because of COVID.
I'm 683 posts into my blog today and two years ago I was going to just try to write for a year to see how it went. I do still enjoy it, but I don't know if I've gotten that much better at writing or not. It's definitely a good way to get my mind going in the morning and record some thoughts. This year with all that's happened in our world will be interesting to look back on.
The blinking cursor makes me think of exercising. I've written about it on here before. I don't really like thinking about it or starting it. Once I finally decide to do it I feel better. My wife decided to run yesterday morning and it was encouraging to see her get after it. The thing tough for me with exercise is you have to keep doing it... like anything you want to improve on. So you have to make time in your schedule to do it regularly. I know I need to exercise and I just need to start something regular.