A lot going on and little control over it

First an update. I finished digging the hole in the backyard yesterday with a shovel. It's about 3 feet from the house, 8 feet down, and 9 feet across. My body is feeling it. Especially my hands, feet, and my lower back.

We only have 2 months left of 2020 and our election day is this Tuesday. It's going to be a wild week I have a feeling. Most people are expecting some kind of unrest no matter what happens on Tuesday as far as the election. No matter if Biden wins or Trump. I also just checked and I only have 28 more workdays for the year. An average of 14 days per month for November and December, between having Thanksgiving, Christmas, and unused time off that I need to use. The next 2 months are going to fly by... I think.

There's also the looming Coronavirus that looms over everyone when we get sick this season. I have a cousin and his wife that have it right now. My mom got contacted a couple weeks ago because she had been exposed to it through her hairdresser and had to quarantine for a while. It's just a very uncertain time. Some of the grades at our local school had to do school from home due to more cases. I know there have been times in history when there were widespread diseases and many people died, even more, recent history, but it's been quite some time since the United States has faced something like this. And it's so widespread across the world.

Lots of uncertainty. One thing is certain though. God is still sovereign over all of it. It might look like it with all that's going on in our world, but I rest in this that He knows about it all and He knows the outcome. One day all all will be made right.

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