Where is that?

Where did that go? I know it's around here somewhere. I know I put it right there.

These are things that I feel like I say pretty often at our home. And it's never my fault, right? Wrong. It's easy for me to blame the fact that I can't find things on others in my family, but the fact is that it's just as much my fault. I see things out and I don't put them away either. Or I open up a drawer, closet, or even room and see that things could be picked up and organized and I choose to do something else instead.

In reality for having 3 little kids, we do really well. It could easily look like a tornado hit most days and most days it doesn't look that bad thanks to my wife. Also, my oldest is starting to get pretty good at organizing and putting things away.

A reminder that I'm just as much the one to blame was that I took a work trip over a month ago and just yesterday I finally put away my clothes and suitcase.

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