"As you go, we go."
"As you go, we go." I heard this quote yesterday in an interview with Matthew McConaughey. It was what his wife said to him not long after they were married. It stuck with me and I think there's some truth to this. Not to say that the wife can't make decisions, but there is something about the husband in the family that steers the family by the decisions he makes. Even if it's that he makes few decisions and is super passive that has an impact too.
I have a specific example I'm thinking of this week as my wife and I have started exercising. She definitely pushed me to start running again and we have a sort of schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays now. But she made the comment to me last week on a day I didn't exercise that it affects her. She said we're in this together and it helps me when you do it as well. So yesterday as I'm listening to the podcast and I hear, "As you go, we go." I'm thinking, ok, this makes sense. There's a lot riding on the decisions I make every day.
Do I decide that it's important to sit in front of the tv every day and watch a show? Do I decide it's important to read books or listen to podcasts? Do I decide it's important to get to church even during a pandemic and with little kids? Do I decide it's important to have hard conversations with my kids? Do I decide it's important to think about other people or that a clean house is a high priority? All of these little things or moments add up to other moments in life and they impact my wife and kids. As we approach Christmas in a few weeks have I been preparing my family for the celebration of the coming of baby Jesus or having I been preparing them for a lot of gifts that they will very soon not be enamored by anymore?