Will you help me?

Asking for help. Will you ask for it? Or will you just do it yourself?

You can just ask Google or Youtube, right? 

Why is it that for many of us we would rather not ask someone else for help? We want to be independent. I think of my grandparents who don't have a car anymore because they both shouldn't be driving even though they technically could. They have to ask for help now to go get groceries or to get to appointments. One of their kids has to take them. But I know it's hard for my grandma to ask for help with these things. She feels like she's being a bother, but she can't do it herself anymore.

Or I have an aunt that's older that's not really technology savvy, but she wanted to be able to use a smartphone. So she found a friend that had the patience and was willing to help her with her phone and now she can use apps like Marco Polo on her phone to talk with us. But, she had to ask for help.

I'm willing to make a call and ask for help, but I tend to want to do things by myself, or at least think I can. There's also a satisfaction that comes from doing it yourself. But there's also an additional amount of time that comes from doing it yourself when you don't do that thing every day as well. It just takes you longer typically than the "expert" that does it for a job or does it every day.

I guess my point with the post is not to say always ask for help or always do it yourself but don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to ask the question. Even if you don't who to ask. Build relationships. You can always Google something, but there's another aspect to interacting with a real person that's able to answer a question and help another person out too.

One of the things that I really wanted to see happen in my life this year is to build more relationships with others. Little did I know this would be the year of "quarantine life" and COVID-19. It's been tough to do. We as a family did switch churches and we have made as much effort as possible to reach out in that way. I joined a men's bible study which has been good, but I'm just getting to know those guys a little as of now. I pray that this is something that I can continue working on into this new year of 2021 as well.

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