Don't agree

What do you do when you don't agree with someone? Do you stay quiet or do you speak up? This question could use a little more context.

If you don't agree with someone around their favorite food or movie or something that doesn't impact you or others personally it's probably fine to not voice your disagreement with their poor choice in food or entertainment. But, when the impact of their beliefs and opinions are much more far-reaching you should speak up at some point. You don't have to know all the right answers, although that's good, and it shouldn't be your goal to make them think just like you. But that's the beauty of living in a country where we're able to still express thought and challenge one another in our thinking.

For example, I believe that a baby is a baby as soon as it's conceived. I will challenge you on this. A baby is not a blob or matter or anything else at any other point. Once sperm and egg come together in the womb they form a living baby. The baby may not look like a baby in the very beginning, but if the living fertilized egg is killed a baby has been killed. I cannot enforce that someone does not have an abortion, but I can talk with them and I can wish that we would not as a country make it so easy to kill babies in the womb because it's inconvenient.

There are many conversations that you may be very opposite of others on and it's good to have conversations about it with those that don't agree with you. I believe it's going to become harder and harder to even have them though in our culture as cancel culture becomes more and more of a reality. If you're on the wrong side of the aisle you may not even get a chance to speak.

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