What did you do this morning?

This morning I'm thankful that my mind is working. I can have coherent thoughts. I was able to get out of bed this morning and make myself a cup of coffee. I was able to drink that cup of coffee and taste and smell it. I'm able to sit on the couch and type letters on a keyboard and create sentences with words this morning. I'm able to read and comprehend. My eyes work and can show me what's around me. I'm able to feel warmth and cold. My lungs are working this morning and I can breathe. My heart is beating sending blood all over my whole body. I can hear noises through my ears and know what's going on around me. I'm thankful that my muscles are working that I'm able to hold things and grab things. I was able to put my clothes on this morning on my own. Just thinking about basic amazing things that I'm able to do because of how God made me and I'm thankful.

Sometimes I sit down to write something and think I have to think of this really cool thing that happened or a unique story, but it's good to just sit down and think sometimes about the really simple things. Things that we take for granted all the time because our bodies just work. I'm very thankful for my health and my little family's health these days.

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