It's been a week
A week ago my computer just stopped connecting to the internet. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get on. I thought it was my VPN while I was on vacation, but I soon figured out that it wasn't that when I got home and I still couldn't connect and then when I went to the office and couldn't connect either. I'm still not sure why it happened. But, yesterday I was given a loaner computer until I get a new one.
Not being able to connect to the internet on a computer left me feeling disconnected while on vacation, even though I could still connect via my phone. I wasn't able to blog on here and there were probably other things I would have tried to do online, but at the same time it was probably good that it happened. I spent less time online and more time with my family while on our trip. Of all the times for the ability to connect to the internet to happen I guess during time off from work was probably the best time for it it to happen.
I'm back and ready for a new week... it's already Tuesday. I have a lot of email to catch up on today and Slack and training, but I'm ready.