Thank you YouTube
I'm very thankful these days for YouTube as a way for people to share knowledge. I feel guilty that I've never created a YouTube video to do the same for the many different people of all ages and backgrounds that I've gained knowledge from on how to fix things or for the best settings for a camera or for do-it-yourself projects. I hope this never goes away, but who knows how long things like this will last.
I've spent a decent amount of time this past week researching GoPro cameras and settings for shooting video on them as well as DJI equipment. I know I'll also be reviewing things for my DSLR camera too as I plan to do a lot of shooting photos and video this next week during our reno and of the final product.
I'm hoping to get some unique video of timelapse, drone, water, etc to set our new place apart from the thousands of places that are similar to it in Gulf Shores. We just have a ton of competition in the 3 bedroom space. Here we go.