The weekend
What will your weekend be like? Do you have big plans? Are you going somewhere? Staying at home all weekend? Are you doing something by yourself? Do you have a whole family to take care of? Weekends can be tough for me. Not always, but if I don't have a project or a plan for the weekend I can tend to get frustrated with my little kids and not be the father I want to be. I'm not saying that a plan or project is necessary for the weekend at all even for me. It's more my heart needs to be in the right place. I can't get upset about all the little things others do that aren't the way I would do them or the times when my kids do things accidentally because they're kids and they just can't hardly control their bodies right now. I mean I know I can tell them to settle down or don't hit your sister and work with them on those things, but things like spilling water or getting something out that's messy or work for me is ok. I have to realize that I'm in my family to serve not to just kick back and enjoy the weekend with no responsibility.
Once I got married and had kids the opportunity to just have time truly to myself went to a very small amount of time. And I'm ok with that. I'm so glad I'm married and have kids. There is so much more that I'm learning because of it. I'm positive if I wasn't in the place I am right now I wouldn't go to bed so early and get up so early. I'm sure I'd be lazier in some ways for sure. I think I actually accomplish more as a married dad with 3 kids than I did as a single person believe it or not.
So what will I do this weekend? No big plans, other than helping my wife and kids, and get ready for our crazy week in a week renovating our newly purchased vacation rental home.