
Gone. Forever. I saw my wife's grandma for the last time yesterday afternoon. She died in the middle of the night last night. We knew she probably wasn't going to make it much longer and so we decided to go see her in the nursing home. She had been struggling to breathe more and more and had been on pain meds for quite some time. It was just a reminder to me that life is fleeting. Our bodies are only made to last so long and then they give out.

Yet most of the time I live like I might last forever. I don't think about eternity. I don't think about others. God help me to think about the future of what we were made for. A life with you where all is made right. Where there is no struggle to breathe and there is no pain. Help me to think about others and ask whether they really know the Christ that has made a way to live forever. The one that conquered death, so that we could live with an active hope, knowing that we will not truly die. 

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