The Polar Expless
On Christmas this year for the first time it was just our little family together all day because some of our extended family has been sick. So, my wife and I planned a bunch of things to do with our kids. We took them hiking, we made snow, we had a tea party, had a coffee cake with candles in it for Jesus' birthday, and to top it off at the end of the day after we put the kids to bed we woke them up a couple minutes later to get on the Polar Express.
I dressed up in a conductor outfit quickly, we played some Polar Express music, and I woke up the kids. I was so loud saying, "Hurry... we've got to get on the Polar Express." that I scared my kids. My oldest son thought that the real Polar Express was outside of our house. Well, we got them up, gave them their ticket, and got them in our minivan decked out with the Christmas lights inside of it and snacks. And we took them around our town to look at the Christmas lights. It was a highlight of the day.
My youngest can't stop talking about wanting to ride the Polar Expless now.