31 days of blogging down 169 more to go

"What I’ve found is this–after people get to posting #200 or beyond, they uniformly report that they’re glad they did it." Seth Godin

I can already say writing every morning has become part of my morning routine and I'm starting to enjoy it. I don't know that my writing is getting any better or that I'm communicating clearer, but I can say it's been an exercise that's been positive and I'm surprised that I've already hit the 1 month mark.

The above quote is something for me to aim for as well as hitting 1,000 posts (about 3 years from now). I know that hardly anyone reads any of these and I'm fine with that. I've heard Seth Godin talk a few different times about regularly blogging and in the back of my mind I'm holding on to the idea that this exercise produces something that he describes as "magic" the more that you do it.

So here's to another 31 days.

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