I'm lovin' it.
What's in your wallet?
Eat fresh.
Nothing runs like a deer.
Eat more chicken.
Just do it.
Think different.
These are just a few that came to mind for me quickly. There may be others for you. But my guess is that you could tell me what brand each of these lines is associated with. How did this happen? How many times did we hear each one of these messages to get it in our brain that I should associate Subway with "eating fresh" or that Nike is all about "just doing it"? My guess is a lot of times.
Research says at least 8 times to recall something, but I would say in these cases you've heard it a lot more than 8. I've said it before, but there is power in repeating the same message, but it also has to be the right message and the other part is it has to be simple. Notice anything about the lines above. The longest one is 5 words and shortest one is 2, yet they each get across the main message of the company.
What's in your wallet?
Eat fresh.
Nothing runs like a deer.
Eat more chicken.
Just do it.
Think different.
These are just a few that came to mind for me quickly. There may be others for you. But my guess is that you could tell me what brand each of these lines is associated with. How did this happen? How many times did we hear each one of these messages to get it in our brain that I should associate Subway with "eating fresh" or that Nike is all about "just doing it"? My guess is a lot of times.
Research says at least 8 times to recall something, but I would say in these cases you've heard it a lot more than 8. I've said it before, but there is power in repeating the same message, but it also has to be the right message and the other part is it has to be simple. Notice anything about the lines above. The longest one is 5 words and shortest one is 2, yet they each get across the main message of the company.