Go ahead and jump

Was talking to a friend yesterday that I would say is an extremely talented artist. He just has the ability to visualize things and illustrate them in a way that many people can't. I had heard that he has interest in pursuing this talent as a career, so I asked him what he'd like to do. He went on to say that he feels like he needs more training/schooling in graphic design to really feel comfortable with the choice to make a career out of it.

I think my response to him may have surprised him a little. I told him he's already got talent that many don't have even after going through classes. I told him to just start doing work for himself or for others. I told him he will fail some, but it's how he's going to really learn.

It's not always the case that schooling or more schooling won't help you get started into a career path, but I believe when you have real talent in something it's mostly proving to others that you are talented and the other part is who you know.

Sometimes it's better to go ahead and jump.

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