Making the bed

Why do we make our bed if we are going to unmake it every day anyway? Is there value in making your bed? Does it make you a better human?

As more of a particular (type A) personality I like having the bed made. It just makes a room feel cleaner. And I prefer getting into a bed that's been made at night, versus having to rearrange the sheets before getting back into bed. That's just me though... my wife is the opposite.

But, yesterday the bed was made. I'm usually up in the morning before my wife, hence I don't get to make the call on this decision. Thanks for making the bed babe!

A quick search on Google reveals that there's a lot of opinions on why, but not much I skimmed is super convincing one way or the other. Most of the articles tend to lean toward making your bed, being more productive, getting tasks done from the start of the day. But, one article talked about not making your bed because of all of the dust mites that typically are in a bed and by making your bed your actually allowing them to live longer... yuck! But, then are other articles saying making your bed actually helps move dust mites around (killing them), where not making your bed allows them to just stay there... I don't have a microscope to see them, so I don't know.

I think I still prefer the made bed to the unmade one. This might be one that there will never be a satisfying answer for everyone on.

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