Your brand on their brand

Trying to figure out branded clothing is a huge challenge. We have a brand that I believe people will wear, but then you have to figure out what they would want to wear our brand on. What color? What style? What brand? What are people willing to pay for it?

Then there's not only the challenge of these things, but we have internal employees that all have opinions on clothing as well. They're not the customer... or are they? How do we develop branded clothing that everyone is talking about and wants? Not because it's free, but because it's something they want to wear. They'd actually even pay to have it to wear.

That's what I hope to solve this year. We've done anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 articles of branded clothing in a year through our clothing program and I'd like to see us get closer to that 20,000 or more again. We think that one way we'll be able to make this happen is by giving our dealers the ability to co-brand with our brand. Putting their dealership logo alongside our logo on yet a third brand, the brand of the clothing or item. We'll see if this helps drive some more purchase by our dealers. I have a half day meeting in St. Louis this morning to come up with a plan with our team, so we'll see how it goes.

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