Thankful for nurses

Every time we have a baby I come away thinking I'm thankful we have nurses. Especially when they are a little outgoing and willing to answer questions. It makes the time in the hospital so much more enjoyable.

This may be a bad example, because nurses do more, but they're kind of like the front desk at a hotel. Anything you need done they're on it, plus they know exactly what you need that you don't know you need. The nurse staff at OSF is really good. Most nurses know the things that are tough and they try to make them as pleasant as possible. Like starting an IV or warning my wife of the type of pain she'll experience with a certain procedure.

If you're thinking about becoming a nurse... do it. It may not always feel like a rewarding occupation, but I'm thankful for those that choose it. I'm thankful for those that have served me and my wife over the last three days at OSF.

Thank you.

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