Talk to people

Have a conversation.

Send an email. Pick up the phone. Send a text. Walk up to someone and ask a question.

I was at a tradeshow yesterday for the full day and being more of an introvert I had to psyche myself up somewhat to start engaging with people in booths. I wanted to experience what "farmers" are experiencing at the show as much as possible. So really I didn't have to initiate most of the conversations I just had to answer people in a way that would keep the conversation going.

I enjoyed it. I learned new things. I even saw someone that I recognized and took a risk and said, "I know I know you from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it... I knew it was someone I was related to." It ended up being my Grandma Neukomm's youngest sister, Joan. I also talked to a kid from Ontario, Canada that was familiar with our company for a while and he helped me figure out how Pioneer was doing their hat giveaway.

I sit behind a computer a lot. I can easily not engage directly with people during a day... but I need to more.

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