Daily chores

So, we've started something new. I talked about it earlier on my blog but hadn't done anything yet.


I made a chore chart for each of our kids. On it is four jobs for Josie who's 4 and two jobs for Baer who's 2. It's fairly simple. During the week, Monday through Friday, they need to do their jobs each day and they get to fill in the circles for each job. At the end of the week, we'll do something special with each of them if they complete their chart for the week.

Now, the hard part is going to be coming up with something special for the week. Maybe it's a piece of gum or a sleepover with dad. Maybe it's sherbert during the week. I want to come up with things that are fun and memorable for them so that they have motivation to do what they've been asked to do and with having two kids there will be a little fear of missing out if one doesn't do their chores.

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