Should you go out for lunch?

Should you go out for lunch with your co-workers? I sometimes ask myself this question. Not because I don't want to, but more so because of the cost and the question for me of how often. Plus, it takes up more time than bringing my lunch and eating at work.

But, are these the right questions to be asking? I know it's more expensive. And I know I may get a little less "work" accomplished in the day.

What if I just said I'll start going out once a month with someone or a couple people? And then be purposeful in the time with those people or person. How do you put a price on that? What about the value of a relationship? These are things to think through. Because at the end of my career I don't want to just be known as the guy who worked his butt off and rarely took a break to have relationships with people. I don't want to be the guy that no one really knew, but they knew he did great work.

Should you go out for lunch with your co-workers? Yes.

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