8 days to go

8 days from now the majority of the work will be done. The conference will start. And it will be what it is at that point. But until then there's a possibility for change. There's the scramble. There's the what-if. There are things that get cut earlier and things that get added later.

There's a lot that is already figured out, but there's always some last-minute adds until the end. And that's ok as long as they can be done... and usually, they can be.

It's great working at a place where we're not so rigid that nothing can change when maybe it should. Even though it may be more comfortable to say, "We're done." And still have weeks before the event starts... what fun is that? It puts too many constraints on the creative process. Give the full time allotted. Why cramp the creative process with time constraints that don't need to be?

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