Leading my family

Leading my family.

Many times after I get home from work it's the last thing I want to do. But it's something I'm called to do and my wife wants me to do. Engage with my kids. Ask them questions about why the Bible is important? Why do we need to obey God?

Our kids are starting to get older. Our oldest is almost 5. I do read them a Bible story every night, but we don't do much more than that in any regular fashion right now. And I don't spend much time thinking about it either. This is my time thinking about it right now.

I'm more apt to think about a project on the house that needs to get done or something at work or something else than how do I engage more with my kids or talk to them about a specific topic.

But, I do believe just making space for conversations with them when the time avails itself for a teachable moment is huge. I can plan all I want and miss the little moments that are big moments as well.

God. Help me lead my wife and kids well. Give me success in whatever this may look like. I don't have the desire many times to do this. Instead, I just want my kids to not make a mess of the house. Help me to be more relational and less materialistic. Give me ideas of what to do. Help me talk to others about it. Amen.

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