Working from home

Today, I start working from home.

Last night I went to the office and picked up my computer monitor, hard drives, keyboard, and other equipment I need to work from home. This morning I'll set up my at-home office and try to keep myself and my family away from others as much as possible until the Coronavirus begins to subside.

Meanwhile, my wife has to work today at the office and she's a hygenist. Along with that she's subbing today at an office she's not really familiar with, so she's concerned about their policies and plans to take more precautions right now. It will be interesting to hear how that goes for her. I'm curious how many people will actually want to go in and have their teeth cleaned, even though it's a very sterile environment typically.

At this point, I read that it is being strongly encouraged that people limit gatherings to 50 people or less. Sports, schools, churches, bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and libraries are all shutting down. Restaurants in Illinois will be able to deliver and/or have drive-through still, but that's it.

There is a lot of change right now in order to try to minimize the spread of this disease in order to help the hospitals handle the influx of patients that need to be treated.

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