It just feels weird

I'm back in the office this morning. It's 7:44 AM.

It's fairly quiet, but there's a lot of things that are different. There's hand sanitizer stations, cleaning areas, plexiglass, signs for handwashing, and no tables in the lunch area. There's toe pulls for the doors and many doors are left open. I know we'll get back to more normal, but I haven't been in the office for about 2 months and it's gonna take some getting used to.

I just thought I'd write a few things down this morning about it to remember it. I'm not saying of the changes are bad... just different. I'm actually thankful for those that work here that have put effort and time into figuring out how to best take care of our employees.

It's also going to be different not seeing my father-in-law every day or going home for lunch and seeing my kids then. I'll miss those things. I'll miss biking and walking to work.

Here goes day one back in the office.

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