Cleaning your space

I don't do it very often. Maybe once or twice a year, but going through my office area and throwing stuff out, organizing, and taking stuff home feels really good. Yesterday I spent a few hours going through filing cabinets, drawers, boxes, and my desk to clean up some. I know there was more I could have gone through, but I got through a lot. I threw out a couple garbage cans of stuff that I probably never would have looked at again or used.

Why does it feel so good to do that? I don't know... and some people could care less. For me, some of it is probably about what others think about my space. Some of it might be that I do like things clean and picked up even though it can look like I don't.  I'm fairly particular. I like organizing. I also think at least for me it makes it easier for me to find things.

Yesterday was a pretty good day and it was all because I tackled cleaning out and organizing. I may do a little more today... it felt that good.

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