Baby bunny in the...

I've been working from home for the last few weeks because my kids had a little bit of a temperature. Working from home means working in the basement in a room with a large egress type window. A couple of days ago I was talking on the phone to someone and I look out the window to see a baby bunny huddled in the corner of the window well and a few flies buzzing around it. Then I saw the bunny blink and realized it's still alive. Then I noticed blood on the window and on some of the rocks in the window well. So, I decided I'm going to attempt to hop in the window well and get this little bunny out.

I put on some gloves and grabbed a bucket. First I dropped the bucket in to see if the bunny would move. The bunny didn't budge. Then I lowered myself in the window well and the bunny still didn't move. The little guy was so scared. So I bent down and with the bucket and my hands kind of pushed the bunny into the bucket. Then I lifted the bunny out and put him on the grass. And the little guy hopped away.

I don't know if this little bunny wanted to hang out again but the same thing happened the next day. This time I was down there when the bunny hopped into the window well. The kids were around this time too, so I showed them the bunny, and then we went outside and got him out. My kids tried to feed him some carrots once he got out, but the bunny didn't want to be anywhere near them!

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