Finding treasure
Over this past weekend, we've gone on 3 walks looking for painted rocks. One of our neighbors came up with a treasure hunt with her friend where kids in the neighborhood have to look for painted rocks and could even win a basket of art supplies.
So we took off and started looking for rocks and probably found 20 on Saturday, but when we showed them to our neighbor we found out that none of them were hers that she'd hidden! So we went on a few more rock walks and found some of hers, but we never found the special rock where we could win the basket of art supplies. But this sweet girl then decided to make a special painted rock for our daughter and hide it and so we went out on another walk to find it yesterday afternoon. And our daughter found it. She was super excited about it.
It's been fun to just go out looking for things on a walk with our kids. It's made us look in places we don't normally look as we walk and while walking we even found a duck's nest with a bunch of recently hatched eggs. It was right in someone's front yard landscaping.