The daily slog
Do ever think if I just do this thing every day for a certain amount of time the result would be something? I have. In fact, I know I've written past posts about it. I've said this about exercising. I've also said it about writing. The truth is it's hard to show up every day to work on a task that doesn't have a result that's noticeable right away, but those are the ones worth working on every day. The easier thing to do is work on a task that has a noticeable result right away. Like mowing the yard or cooking a meal or scrolling social media or watching a show. I was just thinking about this blog that I've been more lax in writing on over the last few months. If I wrote every day (which I used to do for the last couple of years) for the rest of this year I will almost be at 1,000 posts! That's a big milestone. But it's a daily slog. It's a daily deciding ok I'll write some thoughts down this morning.